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A Second Chance at Crimson Ranch Page 15
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Page 15
Olivia wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him close to whisper in his ear, “Until now?”
“Until now,” he agreed and pulled her into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he kicked shut the truck’s door.
He fumbled with the lock, then crossed the threshold. Olivia closed the door and Logan let her feet slide to the floor. He didn’t let her go, couldn’t make himself release her even when she squirmed. She turned in his arms instead and he waited as her gaze took in his home. It wasn’t big or fancy, but somehow he’d poured all of his secret dreams into this space.
He tried to see the cabin through her eyes: The rough-hewed logs ran the length of the family room and the large picture window on the far side of the main dining area. He’d chosen neutral paint colors and large leather furniture. He didn’t have many decorations, but he’d done his best to make the home comfortable and cozy.
“It’s wonderful,” she said on a sigh. “Every part of it is you, Logan.”
She couldn’t know how right she was. He’d spent hours scrutinizing each detail, from the knobs on the cabinet doors to the layout of the wide-plank flooring.
“Most of the materials are reclaimed from old barns and home sites around here. Although it’s new construction, I wanted to make it feel like...it belonged.”
Like I belonged, he’d almost said.
She wrapped her long fingers around his arms and stepped away from his hold, then laced her fingers through his as she walked toward the window at the far wall.
“You can see everything from here.” She glanced up at him, then back through the large picture window. From this vantage point, the entire valley stretched out below. He’d based the whole house around this view.
He loved to watch the sun set over the mountains to the west of town, see the lights from the highway and the ski resort during the winter. But at this moment, he couldn’t take his eyes off Olivia. Her perceptive gaze took in everything, even the things he thought he’d buried so deep no one could ever find them.
Gathering her close, he tipped her head back to kiss her mouth, then trailed his lips across her jaw and down her throat, humming against the pulse that beat against her skin. He unzipped her coat and she shrugged out of it, shivering slightly as he pulled her sweater over her head.
She turned in his arms and pushed his coat off his shoulders. Her hands reached under the hem of his flannel shirt to graze across his back.
“I want you here,” he whispered along her skin and she nodded in response.
A soft groan escaped his lips as her hips moved against him. “What the hell am I talking about?” he said on a laugh. “I want you everywhere.”
She flashed a small smile and began to undo the buttons of his shirt. “You don’t have to say anything,” she reminded him. “This is enough.”
She was wrong. It would never be enough with Olivia and that was the thing that staggered. Part of the reason he couldn’t stay in Crimson was the memories that the town held for him. Little things such as a sound or smell could transport him in an instant back to the pain of his youth. But now the image of Olivia standing before him in the house he’d built would always stay with him. Already he could feel her permeating every inch of the cabin, the same way she’d subtly burrowed her way into his heart.
He sank to his knees on the couch, pulled her down with him, stripping them both until she was pressed against him. Then he was inside her, whispering her name like a prayer. She moved with him as if she’d known him for centuries, her soft cries tearing at the last vestiges of the walls he’d built around his heart.
“I never knew it could be like this,” she whispered.
“Only between us,” he assured her and had no doubt it was true.
He knew he’d never take in the view he loved without missing the woman he wasn’t brave enough to claim as his own.
Chapter Thirteen
“I’d say she’s well and truly in love with him.”
The serving spoon Olivia held clattered to the counter. She picked it up, stirring the mashed potatoes in the pot on the stove as though she hadn’t heard the words Sara Travers spoke.
“Can you blame her?” Natalie asked as she set water glasses on the big trestle table in Sara and Josh’s kitchen. “He gives easy on the eyes a new definition, plus the way he looks at her...” Natalie gave a long whistle but didn’t look up from her task.
Olivia felt her mouth open and close several times.
“They’re just trying to bait you, sweetie.” April Sommers patted Olivia’s shoulder sympathetically. April helped out at Crimson Ranch when Sara was away. Sara had just gotten back from a three-day press junket for a movie she was starring in. She’d invited Olivia, Logan and Natalie out for dinner and to finalize the plans for the open house. The community center would officially open its doors next week, so this coming Friday was the event. From the feedback Olivia had gotten in town, most of Crimson was planning to attend along with several famous Aspen residents thanks to Sara calling in some favors from her celebrity friends.
“How does he look at me?” Olivia murmured, almost to herself.
“Like you’re the only thing on the dessert menu,” April answered with a smile.
“And he’s got one hell of a sweet tooth,” Sara called out.
“Oh.” Olivia breathed out the syllable as heat filled her cheeks. Because that’s the way Logan made her feel. Something had changed since that afternoon in Telluride. There was an urgency to Logan’s touch, a need she could easily match but still wondered at. It was as if he was banking up their moments together, every touch and caress, to hold on to when he was gone.
“He’s going back to Telluride after the opening,” she said as Sara and Natalie came around the large island into the main cooking area.
“Really?” Sara took a pile of cloth napkins from one of the drawers. The ranch was closed for guests for a few more weeks so it was just friends there tonight. “I would have thought his plans might change given the two of you.”
“There isn’t exactly a two of us. It’s not a relationship. He’s here and I’m here but that doesn’t mean...” She realized she was babbling but couldn’t stop. “Has Logan said—”
“He doesn’t have to say anything.” Natalie waved her hand up and down in front of Olivia. “You simply ooze sexual satisfaction.”
Olivia gasped and jerked her head toward the open family room beyond the eating area of the kitchen. Josh’s daughter, Claire, sat on the couch next to Jordan Dempsey. The two teens went to school together and Logan had invited Jordan to ride out to the ranch with them because the boy’s father was working late. It was clear that Jordan idolized Logan, and Olivia felt like she was making inroads on having him not blame her for his mom’s leaving.
“Don’t worry,” Sara told her, following Olivia’s gaze. “They’ve both got headphones on so they won’t hear us. Chances are they’re texting each other. Why bother speaking when your thumbs can do the talking?”
Olivia kept her eyes on Jordan for a few moments more, but all his concentration was indeed focused on the cell phone in his hands. She smoothed her fingers over her hair. “Can you really see satisfaction ooze? It’s not a great mental image.”
Natalie nodded but her eyes were kind. “It’s quite nauseating if you must know. Between you and Sara, the happiness is almost overwhelming.”
“You’re jealous.” Sara laughed. “But your time will come, Nat.”
Natalie rolled her eyes. “I’m not looking for a man, ladies. I’ve got potato chips to keep me company and that’s all I need.”
Sara came back to the island and leaned toward Olivia. “You’re in love with him,” she said in a conspiratorial whisper loud enough so they all could hear.
The spoon dropped again, this time to the floor.
“Let me take over.” April nudged Olivia to the side. “Sara, stop messing with her.”
Sara’s smile was unapologetic. “You do love him, right?”
“I’ve only known him for a month. I dated Craig for almost two years before either of us used the L word.”
“That’s because he wasn’t your soul mate.”
All three women looked to April, who was calmly scooping potatoes into a serving bowl. She just shrugged. “It’s different when it’s the right one.”
Natalie let out a bark of laughter. “Or is it because her ex-husband was a tool?”
April smiled. “There’s that, too.”
Olivia’s head was beginning to swim. “I’m not...” She placed her palms on the cool granite of the counter. “It doesn’t matter. He’s leaving next week.”
“Telluride isn’t that far away,” Natalie offered.
Olivia shook her head. “He doesn’t...I don’t...it wouldn’t work.” That much she knew to be true. Yes, she loved him. Even if she wasn’t about to say the words out loud. There was no way she could manage a long-distance, casual dating relationship with Logan. Her feelings for him were too strong.
“I couldn’t keep saying goodbye,” she said after a moment.
All three women nodded. April patted her arm and Sara came around the counter to hug Olivia. “I’m sorry if I upset you.”
“It’s okay,” Olivia answered. “I’m grateful for the time I’ve had with him.”
“You’re too nice,” Natalie said. “Not that I have anything against a hot rebound relationship. At least you’re not still thinking about your dirtbag ex-husband.”
“Craig sent me an email last week.” Olivia took the stack of plates from the counter to the table.
She saw the three women exchange a look.
“He wanted me to ship some of his clothes and stuff to him.” She looked over at Jordan to make sure he was still wearing the headphones. “They’re in Albuquerque now.”
“What did you do?” Natalie asked.
Olivia couldn’t help the smile that played at the corner of her mouth. “Boxed everything up and donated it.”
“Nice work.” Natalie held up her palm and Olivia gave her a tentative high five.
“I think this calls for a toast.” April pulled four wineglasses out of the cabinet.
Sara took a bottle of wine from the refrigerator and poured a bit in each glass. The four women held them up. Olivia’s chest expanded at how nice it felt to finally have true friends in her life.
“To leaving the past behind,” Sara said.
“I’ll drink to that.” Natalie clinked her glass against the others with a little too much force.
Olivia wondered what was going on, but before she could ask, the men came in from the back patio. The temperature had inched up several degrees over the past few days and it almost felt as though spring was coming again to the mountains.
“Steaks are ready,” Josh announced, holding up a plate. His brows rose at the four women with their glasses held aloft. “What’s the occasion?”
“Olivia threw away the cheater’s stuff,” Natalie supplied.
She felt Logan’s gaze track to hers. She hadn’t mentioned cleaning out Craig’s closet to him.
“Atta girl,” Noah told her. “Serves him right.”
She felt herself blush and mumbled, “Thanks.”
They all took their seats at the dinner table.
Logan was seated next to her and as he filled her water glass she whispered, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the clothes.”
“No apologies, Olivia.” His voice was tight. “You don’t have to keep me apprised of what you do when we’re not together.”
“But still...”
He looked at her and his eyes softened. “I’m glad you did it.”
She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.
“I stopped by the community center on my way in to town,” Noah said from where he sat across the table from her. “The building looks great.”
“Logan’s done a wonderful job with all of the renovations.” It was true, too. The painting was finished and the carpet had been laid yesterday. Furniture would be delivered tomorrow thanks to the most recent grant money that had come in.
“He told me the vision of the project was all yours. I’m sure the new mayor is excited about what this will do for the town.”
“It’s the least I can do for all the trouble Crimson has been through because of me.”
“Because of your ex-husband,” Logan corrected. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
She bit down on her lip. “I’m happy to contribute, even so.” She turned her gaze to Noah. “I hope you’ll be here for the open house.”
He nodded. “Wouldn’t miss it. You should be proud of yourself, Olivia.”
“Thank you,” she murmured, pleased by the compliment.
Logan’s hand inched up her leg. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye but he was looking at Noah. His face appeared relaxed, but she could see a muscle knotting at his jaw. “I thought you were in the middle of a big project south of Denver,” he said conversationally. “One that wouldn’t let you get away so often.”
His fingers began circling in a light rhythm on her thigh and she swallowed. Her stomach turned liquid and fluttery at his touch. When a small moan escaped her lips, she coughed to cover it up.
Noah sat back in his chair and focused his gaze on Olivia, ignoring Logan. “I’ll drive up from the city for the weekend. Sounds like it’s going to be a big event.”
“I just got word from a couple of local musicians who’ve agreed to play that night.” It was difficult to keep her voice steady with Logan’s hand moving farther up her leg. “The main room may even be large enough to set up a dance floor.”
Noah’s smile widened. “Then I hope you’ll save me a dance.”
“Of course,” she said but it sounded like a squeak. As discreetly as she could, she placed her hand on top of Logan’s, trying to push it away. Instead, he linked his fingers with hers.
“Olivia, are you okay?”
Her head jerked as she realized Sara had spoken to her.
April leaned forward in her seat. “You look rather flushed.”
“I think it’s the wine.” She pushed back from the table, tugging out of Logan’s grip. “I do feel a little overheated. I’ll step onto the porch for a few minutes to cool down.”
Logan scooted out his chair. “I’ll go with you.”
“Not necessary.” She shook her head. Being alone with Logan right now was the last thing she needed to help cool down.
“I’ll go.” Noah stood, holding up his plate. “I’m finished anyway and want to take in as much fresh mountain air as I can before driving back to the city.”
She thought she heard Logan mutter something under his breath, but when she looked down he gave her a bland smile. “Would you rather go home?”
“No,” she answered quickly. “I just need...a little space right now.”
Trying to ignore her tingling skin, she took her plate to the kitchen and followed Noah to the back door.
* * *
At several different points in his life, Logan had felt the need to punch something or someone. On more than one occasion he’d done just that. He’d been quite the brawler back in the day, although not since returning to the mountains after his time away.
But never had he wanted to drive his fist into another man’s face as much as he did tonight with Noah. From the time he and Olivia had returned from the porch, Noah had barely left her side. He’d even offered to help with the dinner dishes, ingratiating himself to all of the females in the house. After the kitchen was clean, the adults sat around the kitchen table playing cards. Lo
gan had gone to sit with Jordan instead, trying to get lost in an Xbox game. Instead, he’d been painfully aware of Noah’s every gesture toward Olivia.
Logan watched his friend smile and saw Olivia laugh in response. The musical sound travelled to him, assaulting his senses over the loud thrum from the video game.
So he couldn’t have been more delighted when Noah announced his departure. Good riddance as far as Logan was concerned.
Then Josh crooked a finger at him. “Walk Noah out with me,” he said from the edge of the couch.
“In the middle of a game here.”
The sound of gunfire and yelling came from the TV. Then it went quiet. “Dude.” Jordan elbowed him in the ribs. “You died again.”
“Hey, Jordan,” Josh said, “Sara’s cutting a cheesecake in the kitchen. You might want to get a slice before it’s gone.”
“Awesome.” Jordan dropped the game controller on the couch and stepped past Logan.
“Come on.” Josh nudged Logan with his foot.
“There better be cheesecake left when I get back,” Logan called to Jordan. “Since I made it.”
Logan was still grumbling as he followed Josh out the front door.
Noah leaned against his truck, arms folded across his chest. “That was fun,” he said with a smile.
Logan stepped forward with a growl, but Josh grabbed his arm. “Use your words, Logan. We’re all adults here.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked Noah as he shook off his brother’s grasp. “You were practically drooling on Olivia all night. Like I wasn’t even there.”
“Back when she was married to Craig Wilder, I didn’t realize how pretty she was.” Noah tapped a finger on his chin as Logan’s head started to pound. “No, that’s not exactly true. I knew she was pretty, but she was so standoffish. Plus she was saddled with such a loser. I didn’t notice her like that.” He straightened, rubbing his hands together in front of him. “Now I see how much she has to offer. She’s smart, kind, beautiful...damn near the whole package. The kind of woman a man could just sink into and—”